Being a young mom means we met a little early, but I get to love them longer.

Here are some links to helpful posts I have done in the past :)

Learn about car seat safety HERE!

Need breastfeeding advice? Click HERE for lots of helpful tips!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Monday, May 30, 2011

Finally got some videos of her dancing!!

This is her dancing to "The Dino Dance." It is her favorite song right now :)
----->>> Well stupid Blogger won't load this one :( If anyone wants to see it I uploaded it to my facebook.

This is her doing what she does EVERY time "I Love You" plays.. usually she has Chris' hand too, but he wasn't here, so she settled for just me lol.

We are going to eat at Red Lobster for my nana's 75th birthday at 4 today! Happy birthday nana! (Even though she will never read that lol). Not so thrilled about Red Lobster though.. I'm not a seafood person, and even if I was I'm pregnant, so I can't eat much there anyway lol. Looks like I'll be eating chicken fingers. Chris is thrilled though, it's his favorite restaurant lol.. It's my mom's and nana's favorite restaurant too.. I'm starting to think I'm adopted :p just kidding.


  1. :( It won't load the video.
    Ya. I don't like that place either. I have only been there once, but I don't like seafood either. I just got chicken. My favorite place is Chili's! By the way, Happy Birthday, NaNa!!! lol.

  2. Yea it won't load the Dino one :( I got the other one to work, but the Dino Dance one is on my facebook now.
    I love Logan's for their salads and Chili's for their chicken nachos lol.

  3. That's too cute what she did at the end. lol. Samantha likes to pretend she is Baby Bop. I am Barney and Jessie is BJ. We had to do that song and she would hung us both around the neck and sing it. lol.
