Being a young mom means we met a little early, but I get to love them longer.

Here are some links to helpful posts I have done in the past :)

Learn about car seat safety HERE!

Need breastfeeding advice? Click HERE for lots of helpful tips!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Friday, July 23, 2010

More on the apartment.

We got our table today! It's nothing fancy, but at least we can eat around the kitchen table now :)

Also Grace has learned a few new words.. she now says "dada" and whenever someone says "uh oh" she ill say "uh uh" It's so cute!!
She is also taking steps with her push walker now!! And cruising pretty well. And her top left center tooth came through last week!! She is growing up so fast!!!

Tomorrow is mine and Chris' 3 year anniversary (we decided to use the original date despite the break up because we didn't want to get confused, and weren't even broken up for a month). We are not sure what we are going to do yet because we do not have much money this month and we will have Grace with us. We are probably going to go eat and check out some of the parks where we live, but I am still excited :)

More pics :) :)


  1. Aww i love the pics on the wall. We have over 300 professionally done pics but only 8 hanging up. We just don't have enough frames and never have money to keep buying them plus we will be moving out of this apartment in 2 months so Im going to wait till then. Im also very picky about frames matching.LOL

  2. That looks good! Very homey! I want to see it in person! Mine and Jessie's 1 year marriage is coming up the 4th. I can't wait to see what we do! Oh and Jessika, I am picky about that too. lol. I have to buy the cheap plain frames with no border so they all match. Ha Ha

  3. i wanna come visit sometime when my car gets fixed && i dont have horrible gas mileage.

  4. Yes Brittany and Erica.. you both are welcome to come visit anytime! Jessika you are too, but you live to far away :( Lol. I want more frames, but they are expensive. I am not so big about them matching exactly, but since we have all black frames already I want to get the rest of my frames in black.

  5. Oh and Brittany.. if you want sometime you should get Jessie to bring you and Sami down (it's only about a 15 minute drive), and I will cook you dinner. I am going to do that for Morgan, Josh, and Christian soon.
