Being a young mom means we met a little early, but I get to love them longer.

Here are some links to helpful posts I have done in the past :)

Learn about car seat safety HERE!

Need breastfeeding advice? Click HERE for lots of helpful tips!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Play Group!

I started a play group with some of my friends so we could get several young moms together and let the babies play. Our first time was a little rocky.. only four moms showed up including me.. there was supposed to be at least four more moms, but it was still a blast! Grace had a great time playing with Sami, Cayle, and her new friend Bailey. We had never met Bailey and her mom Amanda before, but I really liked getting to know her. I love meeting new moms.. who knew that being a mom is what would make me truly happy in life? And of course my two best friends Brittany and Erica came and brought their babies.. I have gotten a lot closer to Erica since we had our babies. We went through everything together.. the ups and downs, and even labor.. of course she had Cayle 50 minutes before Grace was born, but we were in labor just about the same amount of time, and I just know that Grace and Cayle are going to be great friend! And then there is Brittany.. I contacted her when I found I was pregnant because I had heard she was a really great mom, and it is totally true. She is one of the best moms I have ever met, and she is also a great friend. She is always there when I need someone to talk to or need advice about how to do something as a mom, and she is always there to lend a hand. I really don't know what it would be like without her. Oh and lets don't forget that Grace absolutely adores Sami! I really hope I get to know Amanda as well as I do Brittany and Erica because she seems like a great mom too, and Bailey is only three days younger than Grace so I think they would really be good friends one day too. For now Grace just liked staring at her lol.
I also hope that the other girls will be able to make it next time. I have only met one of the babies and I would love to meet the rest. It was really simple.. we just met at our local mall at the little play place it has and let the babies play while we talked. I think all the moms enjoyed it (I know I did), and I think all the babies did as well. I cannot wait until next time!


  1. You're a Doll! I totally enjoyed it. I can't wait to do it again! I'm going to post some more stuff later. I guess I should go do my school work for now though. lol.
