Being a young mom means we met a little early, but I get to love them longer.

Here are some links to helpful posts I have done in the past :)

Learn about car seat safety HERE!

Need breastfeeding advice? Click HERE for lots of helpful tips!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Still no idea...

what is going on with my computer. He didn't get it finished yesterday like he was supposed to, and the he had the nerve to tell me that if I could find my memory cards it would save him a world of trouble. If I could slap someone through a phone I would have slapped him!! So, he wants the over full time college student with two babies to have to take the time to load hundreds of pictures because it would save HIM a world of trouble. It was HIS fault! He should be going over and above what he has to do to fix it, not be trying to cut corners and make me have to clean up his mess! I am beyond furious now! AND now he told me to call him between three and four today. I called twice and left a message both times, and he still hasn't called me back. I start school tomorrow. I need my computer. I can't do assignments on my iPod. I need my computer. Ugggggggg!


  1. That is ridiculous! He is so unprofessional. Grr!!! Makes me mad thinking about it.
    Yea school starts tomorrow and our computer started acting up last night. It would just shut off. This makes us super nervous. Drew said he doesn't know if he wants to waste the money to get it fixed. Ever since the virus it hasn't acted the same even though we took it to professionals to get fixed. Sigh....might just have to buy a new one with pell....but pell is already spread thin....

  2. Agreed. That is RIDICULOUS! That is HIS job-HIS fault! And he expects YOU to fix it? No. He is the one who is supposed to do all that-INCLUDING calling YOU! You shouldn't have to call him. This guy is making me angry.

  3. Jessika, that sucks that your computer is messing up! Hopefully it'll hold out for you.

    Brittany, don't ever take anything to Computer Depot on Ringgold Rd. and tell everyone you know not to take amything there!
