Being a young mom means we met a little early, but I get to love them longer.

Here are some links to helpful posts I have done in the past :)

Learn about car seat safety HERE!

Need breastfeeding advice? Click HERE for lots of helpful tips!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The baby shower..

Since we are having a boy this time we are going to have another baby shower. The time for it is quickly approaching. I think I want to have it on July 16th, which is just a little over a month before my due date. That gives us plenty of breathing room incase I have him early for some reason.
When I was at the thrift store the other day there was a woman there looking for preemie clothes. She said her friend had just had a baby, and she wasn't even due until July! She said the baby only weighs 1 lb 6 oz!! They didn't have much preemie stuff, so she had a bunch of newborn and 0-3 m stuff. I was telling her about how Grace weighed 7lbs 14oz, and the 0-3 was too big for her when she was born. The lady quickly started putting all the 0-3 stuff back lol. She said they didn't even have her baby shower scheduled until June. I just cannot imagine having my baby that early!!

Anyway.. back to the baby shower.. I have had my registries filled with boy stuff pretty much since we found out we were having another one lol. I have been adding to it a lot lately, but I've also been taking things off. Over the last weeks of so we have gotten sooooo many boy clothes given to us! He really isn't going to need any clothes for awhile. We mostly need diapers, wipes, towels, blankets and burp cloths. I also need a breatfeeding cover and pump. I'm going to attempt to breastfeed again, but we'll see how that goes. I think it will be better if I have a pump from the get go this time. I have also read up on it a lot more, so I know how to make it work better. Then we still need a few big ticket items his bed set, car seat, stroller, and I want a rocking chair lol. We have pretty much everything else we need, clothes, socks, hats, toys, a crib, a basinett, a changing table, a dresser.. we are pretty much set. I also don't have to have a rocking chair if we don't save up the money for it. I figure we'll be getting all the big ticket items. Last time my mom bought Grace's travel system, and my cousin and aunt went together and bought Grace's bed set. However, since we are looking at a double stroller it is going to be almost twice as much (I don't expect or want my mom to pay that much), and my cousin who bought the bed set is the one who just lost her house to the tornado, so I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have the money for anything like that this time, and I don't blame her at all.

I've made the guest list and it has about 45 people on it. I only expect 30 at most though. We are going to have guys there this time (we didn't at Grace's) because Chris really wants to be there. I think I want to have it at the same place we had Grace's birthday party. I was going to call and reserve it, but the place you reserve it from is in downtown Ringgold, and they have so much going on right now that I'm just going to wait. It's two months away, so I'm sure we'll be fine.
Now all that's left is I have to decide the decorations. I've looked online, but none have really caught my eye. There's a couple I like, but I want to go look in the store. I know I'm going to have my invitations done at Wal-Mart.. I wish I would have known about it with Grace.. it's only like $0.28 per invite, and even though I'm inviting roughly 45 people, a lot of them are together, like I'll be sending one to Brittany, Sami, and Jessie together.. so we only need about 25 invites, which is only like $7. They are like a picture and you can completely customize them to what you want them to say and look like. I'm also going to have his announcements done there, and I'm going to have an announcement made for Grace too because we never had one that nice for her.

But anyway.. that's all I have for now on the baby shower. I'm fixing to take my last final here at 1pm, then I will be done with this semester!! I have two weeks off, so we are going to take Grace to Coolidge Park on Monday, and possibly Lake Winnie next Friday if we have the money, and it's nice out.


  1. Good idea. At least you have what you need. My friend, Maria is pregnant with another girl, but she had already gotten rid of Kylie's things, so she had a "sprinkle." (As in, just small things.) That way people didn't think she was "rude" for having another shower, but they were still able to get a few things.

  2. A sprinkle! I like that lol. I've never heard of it before. We don't need a whole lot, but some of the things we do need are pricey, like $85 for the bed set, $110 for the car seat, $80 for the breastpump, then if we have enough $160 for the double stroller and $130 for the rocking chair. Plus $125 for the 4D ultrasound.. it's getting pretty pricey here at the end.. Maybe people will give us gift cards and we can use them towards some of this lol.

  3. Oh wow. That is crazy! Maybe you can find some of that stuff used, especially the pump and stuff. (I found mine at a yardsale. It hadn't been used, but it had been opened.) It was a TON cheaper, and that way if you change your mind, you didn't just waste a whole bunch of money. And who knows, you may be able to find the stroller you want on Craigslist or something. Ha. No advice on the discount for the ultrasound. My insurance paid for me to have a 4D ultrasound.

  4. I still have the one you gave me, so if I have to I can use it, but I would really like a double pump. It takes FOREVER to pump, so if I had a double pump it would cut that time in half. I didn't think about looking for the stroller on craigslist. That's a good idea!
    Did you have the pregnancy medicaid? Is that what paid for it? Because that's what I have..
