Being a young mom means we met a little early, but I get to love them longer.

Here are some links to helpful posts I have done in the past :)

Learn about car seat safety HERE!

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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas is finally here!!

Last night we went to Chris' Aunt's for his family get together. Grace got a rocking horse and a little toy bumblebee from the family. Then we did a chinese gift swap.. Chris got an axe body wash gift set and I got a thing that hangs on the back of the seat in a car and you can put things in it to organize them. It was pretty neat. Grace also had a lot of fun visiting and playing with everyone. There are 3 young boys on that side of the family, but she is the only young girl.
After that we went to Chris' mom's house to open our presents. Chris got a blender, toaster, and griddle.. that's what he wanted though lol. He also got a $50 gift card. I got a curling iron, the House of Night series, some pretty jewelry, and $50. She also gave me a really nice card. It was really nice!

Grace got a Sing-a-ma-jig (that thing is so cool! I had never seen one before.), a  Disney princess butterfly chair, a Disney fairies couch-like chair with a sleepy bag inside it, two sleepers, and a Toy Story 3 ball pit.
This is her outfit she wore last night.

Then today is Christmas!! We woke up this morning to a white Christmas! I'm kind of sad though because  we don't get to spend any time with my family.. we are competely snowed in. We have not had this mch snow in years!!
I got up early and made eggs, cinnamon buns, and hashbrowns. Yum! Then we opened our presents! Let me just say that the Kinect is the coolest thing ever invented! Completely hands free and fun! Chris really likes it too :) I also got him a set of hot sauces, some Xbox boxers, some cologne from Rue 21, and some Reece's and Kit Kats.

He got me seasons 1-3 of Buffy.. that is like my all time favorite show since I was about 12. Plus he got me some body wash, Nerd's Rope, Hershey's Kisses, a coupon for a night of cuddling and a coupon for a day of cleaning, and Baby on Board sign for my car in my stocking, but the best thing he got me was a new ring! My old one didn't fit me anymore after I had Grace, but I figured he would just get it resized. Instead he got me a new one! The band is gold X's and the diamonds are the 0's so it looks like X0X0X0X around my finger.. very pretty! He did well this year :) I took pictures of the ring, but the flash made it glare and without flash it didn't show up :( 
He had them in the Pizza Rolls box lol.

Then there was Grace. She was soooooo funny this year! She liked to tear the paper off, and when she would see the present inside she would go, "Oooooooo," it was precious! Then she opened her Tinker Bell cup and we were not allowed to open anything else until we put her something to drink in it lol. She LOVED that cup! It was one of her favorites.. she also really liked the Fairyland Playhouse and the Toy Story 2 Blu Ray lol. We took tons of pics, but these are my favorite.

This is everthing Grace got (not including her stocking stuff or stuff from extended family).

This is what it looked like before we opened everything.

We also had a stocking for Ollie with some treats, a bone, and a little toy.

Then after we finished with presents we went out and played in the snow!!
Grace had never really seen snow before, and she LOVED it! Ollie did too lol.

Our neighbors built a snowman on their car lol.

This was our snowman.

This has been a wonderful Christmas so far!! And we still are going to have dinner with my mom, sister, nana, and two cousins. Also have to go to my Aunt's, and my dad's.. so lots of Christmas left after the snow disappears :) 


  1. That sounds so awesome. I am so glad yall had a great xmas. And the snow is really cool. Wow grace got a good bit and that is funny about the cup. Charleigh has a tinker bell cup and wouldnt let us open anything until she had some juice in it. HAHA!!!!

  2. Watch out for those ball pits. Samantha and Brennon used to have one. BALLS EVERYWHERE! lol. Kinect is the coolest. I LOVE IT! And Samantha can play it with us too!

  3. I hope you guys are doing well Jessika.. We need an update and more details on Ely!!! Lol. Hope you guys had a good Christmas too :)

    Brittany.. I was a little scared about that. We haven't opened it yet, but she wants to lol. Grace will dance in front of Chris and me when we play the Kinect.. she doesn't fully understand it yet lol. However, Chris' brother got one too, and Chris and him were doing the video chat thing and Grace loved it!! She kept trying to touch the tv and was waying and saying "hello" lol. It was so cute!

  4. Awe, that does sounds cute. Samantha doesn't fully understand it, but we are trying to teach her. Except that River Rush game. She can't play that. She doesn't understand the concept of weight distribution. lol.

  5. Hahaha the river rush one is my favorite. Chris likes the obsticle course one.

  6. Yeah I keep telling Drew I need to update but evrything has been crazy with ely being born and xmas. I am exhausted but Ellanoa is doing great and is a really good baby. I cant put her down though or she fusses!!!
