Being a young mom means we met a little early, but I get to love them longer.

Here are some links to helpful posts I have done in the past :)

Learn about car seat safety HERE!

Need breastfeeding advice? Click HERE for lots of helpful tips!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Baby got balance :)

Grace stood on her own about a month ago, but she would mostly just used something to pull up on and hold onto it. Well ever since yesterday she started standing up completely on her own. Now she does it whenever she wants.. she also can stand for at least 10 seconds at a time. She is doing so good! I think the next step is walking!! I cannot wait until she takes her first step :) I really hope I don't miss it.. that is one of the reasons I am dreading going back to school. I hate the fact that I could miss something again, but I will be gone for less time than when I was in high school, and the only thing I missed in high school was the first time she rolled over, so hopefully I get lucky and I won't miss anything.

I have really been thinking a lot about her birthday party. I know what decorations I want to use, where I want to have it, where I want to get the cake, and what types of food we will have there. I am thinking of having the party around 2pm, so it will be between lunch and dinner, that way we don't have to serve a huge meal because I don't have the money for that. We are just going to have some finger foods, and cake and ice cream. We'll probably have tea sandwhiches, veggies, chips, deviled eggs, and then Chris' mom said that she would make a cheese ball and some pigs in a blanket. Plus the cake and ice cream.. so that should be plenty. I was thinking of getting some $5 pizza's, but I am inviting 120 people and expecting at least 50 to show up, so even $5 pizza would be over $100 if we bought enough for 2 pieces for everyone. I also already have her outfit she is going to wear that we bought at the Carter's outlet, and I want to make a shirt like Farrah did on Teen Mom last week to wear. And we bought her a Laugh and Learn Kitchen at a consignment sale this week, it was supposed to be for her birthday, but it is too big to hide, so she is already playing with it, so I just want to take it and set it out for her and all the other babies to have something to play with. There is going to be at least 22 kids there, but the range from 3 months to 10 years, so I really can't decide whether or not to do goody bags. If I do, what do I put in them that fits for every age range? Any other suggestions would be great as well.


  1. For Sami's goody bags, I just went to the dollar tree and got some candy, a bouncy ball, stickers, stuff like that. At 3 months old, there isn't much to put in a goody bag, but that sort of stuff works for about 18 months and up.

  2. Awww. I bet she will be walking sooner than you think... maybe a first step in a couple days or weeks. I got both of the babies first birthday outfits at carters. Goo d idea with the food. With Charleigh's 1st bday back in March me and Drew made a lot of food. Mashed potatoes, fried chicken, devil eggs, corn bread, etc and like no one ate becaue they said they couldnt hold out for lunch at 1 and had to eat before that. Like Brittany said just go to the dollor store and get little things. I went to a birthday party for a one yr old a couple months ago and they had like the bigger bouncy balls in different colors with each childs name written on them for goodie gift. That was really cool and all the babies of differnt ages loved them. Event he small babies will grow into them. She said she got them at walmart for like 1.50 so not to bad.

  3. Oh ya, and that is where I got Sami's birthday outfit, but this year I got it from a yardsale lol. It was exactly what I wanted though, and brand new for 50 cents. It is a princess dress so she can dress up as a princess. I want make a shirt like that too, but not just for her bday. I want to wear it all the time.
