We're not planning on buying a house until a. we can afford one we want to live in for the rest of our lives, and b. we know if I'll be able to get a job in this area.
So this is me planning WAY ahead. Although, I always do that, right?
Through Pinterest, my future home is coming together. I'll be all set to decorate once we actually have a house!
Our bedroom:
I'm obsessed with yellow and gray together, which is strange because I'm not a big fan of yellow by itself. But when these two colors are together, it's just so beautiful!
Painting circles is easy enough, right? |
I really like the first bedspread. Simple, yet elegant. I also like the pictures above the bed. However, I like the yellow walls in the second picture. Basically our room will be the first picture, but with pale yellow walls (minus the chandelier).
The living room:
I LOVE the color of the walls. I picture lighter floors and dark brown couches/chairs, though, with throw pillows that accent the walls.
The kitchen:
I can't really find much that I would want for my kitchen. I think I would have to actually see it first, but I really like this color scheme. I could definitely see my kitchen being these colors!
Back yard:
We WILL have this in our backyard.
There will also be a grill and patio furniture. We love to eat outside when the weather is nice.
Kids' rooms:
This will mostly depend on how old they are/what they are into at the time. I have a ton of neat ideas pinned, but I can't say that I would definitely use them.
I did find one thing that I think I could incorporate no matter the theme or colors...
I would do one for Grace and one for Brentley. I think I might actually go ahead and do something like this... maybe as a Christmas gift or birthday present?
Now, here's my random quirkiness coming through... I think it would be really neat to have quotes from books randomly placed throughout the house.
Like this...
Or this...
I showed this one to Brittany... I think it would fit in our bedroom.
These are just a few. There are lots of others, but I plan on putting them in places where they fit with the room. And mostly only quotes that are meaningful.
And yes, I am taking over the decorating. Chris said he didn't care how we decorated our future house as long as he had a garage or "mancave" that he could do whatever he wanted to. I'm totally fine with that lol.