Chris and I started talking about it and our list would be:
- Build our dream house... we said five or six bedrooms, 2-3 bath (including a master bathroom), a large kitchen and livingroom, lots of closet and storage space, and at least a two car garage.
- Buy both of us new cars
- Buy my mom a new house
- Put money away for both of the kids to be able to go to whatever college they want, both get cars, and be able to pay for Grace's wedding
- Open a fastfood chain, so that we continue to receive income
Chris said that he would want to open a garage where he could repair and customize cars.
It took me awhile to figure out what I really wanted, then it hit me. I would open one of those schools that is specifically for teen parents, and I would make it a support center as well.
Of course, this is all just fictional, but I never thought about that before. I really wish there was some sort of job that I could get where that would be my career. I mean, yeah, a psychologist maybe, but can the specialize in teen parents? And that's not so much support as it is trying to fix something.
Then, my friend Brittany was talking about a place that she volunteers, and she said that I could volunteer once a week to counsel teen moms. I would LOVE that. I really would. I am seriously considering it.
But then that little voice in the back of my head is screaming that I don't need to put something else on my plate, and that I don't need to be away from my babies anymore than I have to. I would have to wait until summer because the hours conflict with my classes, but since I am pretty sure that my summer is going to be free now, I don't think once a week would hurt anything. I'm going to look into it.
Do you guys think I would be good at that sort of thing? I mean, obviously, I have experienced it, so I would know where they are coming from. Plus, I know things like when to feed the baby the different stages of food, all about breastfeeding, car seat safety, safety in general, relationships struggles, time management, college... Things like that, that I have found a lot of teen moms (including myself when Grace was a baby) don't know much about.
What do you guys think? And please be honest! I don't want to end up hurting these girls if I'm not good at it.